
Groote Eylandt

Groote Eylandt is the largest island in the Gulf of Carpentaria and the fourth largest island in Australia. It was named by the explorer Abel Tasman in 1644 and is Dutch for "Large Island". It is the homeland of, and is owned by, the Anindilyakwa People
Groote Eylandt lies about 50 km from the Northern Territory mainland and eastern coast of Arnhem Land, about 630 km from Darwin. The island measures about 50 km from east to west and 60 km from north to south; its area is 2,326.1 km2.

Groote Eylandt Event Calendar Click Here

ALC Rangers

Land Access Permits are required to enter recreation areas, they are available to purchase from the Ranger base at Pole 13 Mon - Fri 8:00am - 4:00pm Click Here

Notice of Recreational Land Closures can be found on the board on the way out of town or by Clicking Here

Alyangula Darts Club Click Here

Alyangula Golf Club Click Here

Take the kids down for an afternoon hit of golf and dinner at the Golf Club. No clubs? No worries! You can borrow clubs, just ask at the friendly staff at the Alyangula Golf Club.

Alyangula Kiosk & Newsagency Click Here

Airport Bus Service

The airport bus service is available to transport you between the airport and the Alyangula township for all charter and commercial flights. 

If you would like to book the bus, please complete the attached form and email to or drop off to the Village Administration Office at a minimum of 48 hours prior to your pick up requirement.

Alyangula Police Station

Alyangula Recreation Club (ARC) Click Here

Angurugu Store Click Here

Operating hours: Mon - Fri 9:00am - 4:30pm

                         Sat - 9:00am - 12:00pm

Anidilyakwa Arts Centre Click Here

Anindilyakwa Land Council (ALC) Click Here


Operation hours: Tues - Thurs 9:30am - 1:00pm

Ph: 13 13 14


Enjoy some outdoor fun at the ARC with a game of lawn bowls or a play on the playground. The ARC also has four generic arcade systems with 620 old school arcade games and a range of board games for indoor play.

Auriga Marine Click Here

Australia Post 

Operating hours: Mon, Wed-Fri - 9:30am - 5:30pm

                          Tues - 9:30am - 5:00pm

Bartalumba Mini Mart

Operating hours: Mon - Sun 8:00am - 8pm

Bush Fit Mob Click Here

Bush Fit Mob have released their school holiday schedule and it is jam packed with exciting ways to keep busy these holidays! There is something for everyone, check out the full schedule in the Community Notices section below.

Bush Medijina Click Here

CWA Groote Eylandt Branch Click Here

Follow the CWA on Facebook to keep informed about the book nook open times and any fun activities coming up (for both kids and adults!).

Express Supermarket (Alyangula)

Operation hours: Mon - Fri 9:00am - 7:30pm

                         Sat - 8:00am - 5:00pm

                         Sun - 8:00am - 12:00pm

Operating hours may change on public holidays

Eylandt Automotive and Marine Click Here

GEMCO ESO - snake sightings Ph: 8987 4425

GEMCO Town office - Alyangula Pool and Tennis Court

Keys is required to use the swimming pool, squash courts, tennis court & gym.

These keys are available for a $50 refundable deposit at the Village Admin Building.

Hire Sport Equipment

Get some friends together and organise a game of AFL, soccer, tennis, netball, squash, basketball, volleyball and more! Contact the Tastelife Coordinators on 0484 668 603 to hire sporting equipment from the gym for free.  

GEMCO Click Here

Groote Eylandt and Bickerton Island Enterprises (GEBIE) Click Here

Groote Eylandt Co-op Click Here

Operating hours: First Saturday of each month

                         10:00am - 12:00pm @ Ainidilyakwa Arts Centre

Groote Eylandt Game & Sport Fishing Club Click Here

Groote Eylandt Health Clinic

Operating hours: Mon-Fri

Ph: 8987 6255

Groote Eylandt Health Store 

Groote Eylandt Language Centre Click Here

Groote Eylandt Lodge Click Here

Groote Eylandt Social Sports Club Click Here

Leading Appliances Click Here

Playgroup is back from Wednesday, 8 January! Take the kids down to ASEC Hall on Wednesdays from 9.00am – 11.00am to join in on some playgroup fun! During the School holidays Playgroup is open to all ages (must be accompanied by an adult). For updates follow Alyangula Playgroup on Facebook.

Polly Farmer Foundation on Groote Eylandt Click Here

Rubbish collection

New Town: Tuesday & Friday   

Old Town: Monday & Thursday

Seagrass Early Learning Click Here

Seaswift Click Here

Splash Academy Click Here

Umbakumba Store

Yimadumanja Coffee Shop Click Here
