2023 Term 1 Week 10 Newsletter
Principal's Message
Dear Students, Parents, and Staff,
As we come to the end of term one, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the incredible achievements of our school community over the past few months.
Firstly, I want to commend our students for their hard work and dedication this term. The academic achievements and individual student growth that we've seen so far this year are nothing short of impressive, with many students exceeding expectations and reaching new heights in their learning. I'm also thrilled to see the growth and development of our students in other areas, including athletics, the arts, and science and music.
I want to thank our teachers and staff for their unwavering commitment to our students. This has been a challenging term for everyone as our school continues to grow, and our educators have gone above and beyond to support and inspire our students. From designing engaging and innovative lessons to providing emotional support to students who need it, our staff has truly demonstrated what it means to be dedicated to education.
At the same time, I want to recognise and thank the efforts of our Assistant Principal, Miss Jess. We have valued Miss Jess’ level of guidance and support that she has provided our school community, and wish her all the very best in her future endeavours.
We will welcome Ms Jane Munro to our leadership team. Jane will commence at Alyangula Area School in term two.
As we head into the break, I encourage everyone to take some time to rest and recharge. This is an opportunity to spend quality time with loved ones, pursue hobbies and interests, and reflect on the progress we've made so far this year. When we return in Term Two, I'm confident that we'll continue to build on our successes and overcome any challenges that come our way. A reminder to families that Day 1of next term (Monday 17th April) is a whole school curriculum day, with students commencing term two on Tuesday 18th April.
I would like to wish everyone a safe and enjoyable break, and I look forward to seeing everyone again on Tuesday 18th April.
Mel Dougherty
Award Winners
In the classroom - Year 3/4
We have been focusing on Poetry. Student have been learning about different Poetic devices, such as figurative language, alliteration and rhyme, and using them to write creative poems. Here are some of the Colour Poems we they have created.
Whole school professional development days
Starting in 2023, the way in which schools can hold Whole School Professional Development Days has changed!
Schools can now hold 5 professional development days across the year.
1 | First day of Term 1 | This day will apply to all NT Government schools and cannot be changed. |
2-4 | First day of Term 2, Term 3 and Term 4 | This day can be rescheduled to later in Term 2, Term 3 and Term 4 depending on the needs of the school. The school will notify you in advance if the professional development day is being rescheduled so you can plan for holidays and days when students may not be at school. |
5 | Last day of Term 4 | Schools may choose to conduct after hours professional learning throughout the year instead of on the final day of Term 4. This won’t impact students as school will finish the day before the last day of Term 4. |
We will inform you in advance if we reschedule the first day of term Professional Development Days so you can plan school holidays.
Schools do not close on these Professional Development Days. Supervision will always be provided for children of essential workers.
Stakeholders - Thank you
A huge Thank You to our stakeholders, these are the great businesses that are supported Alyangula Area School.
School News
School Calendar
Stay up to date with events on the AAS Calendar.
Absentee Form
We encourage families to use the absentee form instead of the school phone number when advising the school that your child will be absent from school.
Arrival at School
No child should be at school before 7.45am. Children arriving before 7.45am will remain seated in the covered area until that time. A teacher commences playground duty at 7.45am each morning.
Appointments and Signing in/Out
It is preferred that all student’s appointments be made outside of school hours so as not to disturb their learning. However, if this is not possible then carers are asked to report to the office and sign out their child. The office will call the student to the office for collection.
At no time should a carer go directly to the class during school hours. Upon return the carer must return to the office to sign the student back in.
Emergency Contact Details
If your child/rens emergency contact has left the Eylandt. It is essential that the School Office maintains up-to-date records of your address, telephone numbers, email addresses and emergency contacts in case of illness or injury to you child. Please ensure you complete this form the below form and return it at your earliest convenience.
Whole School Assembly
Every second Friday we hold a whole school assembly and invite parents, families and school community members to join in the occasion. Our assemblies commence at 8:10am and always focus on celebrating student success. Classroom teachers nominate two students to receive a Merit Award at each assembly. Parents will be notified when their child is receiving an award to ensure that they can be present for the moment. In addition to this, our classes take turns in presenting a class performance at each assembly. Once again parents are notified of the class performance by their child’s teacher.
Position Available
This week we have included insight on 5 Micro-habits to be a better parent, from Michael Grose. Please keep an eye out each week for the Insights that are linked through our school newsletter. Insights can also be found on our website.