Time certainly flies when your having fun, where did that term go?! I would like to begin by thanking our staff for their efforts and dedication this term, I know you have all worked extremely hard and I hope over the next two weeks you can catch your breath, have a rest and be prepared to hit the ground running next term.
We finished off the term dressed up in our favourite footy colours to celebrate the upcoming grand finals in the AFL and NRL codes, and students had the opportunity to engage in Football workshops that were run by AFL Gus. The 2/3s had a donut stall where they sold beautifully decorated donuts to conclude their unit on persuasive texts and of course the Arts and Culture Festival on Wednesday. Thank you to families who donated foods from around the globe, the menus were amazing! Thanks to our staff who coordinated stalls and choreographed performances and costumes, and thank you students for putting on such an entertaining show!
We have been busy scheduling in dates for most of our term 4 events into a school calendar to help families to keep track on what is happening at school next term. You will find this calendar in electronic version within our newsletter, and paper copies are available at the office for collection if you prefer.
I would like to farewell Ms Grace, who will be relocating over the break along with her family. Thank you Grace for your passion and energy! You will be missed! We wish you all the best on your next adventure.
Have a safe and happy school holidays. We are looking forward to seeing everyone back when school resumes on Monday 10th October.
Mel Dougherty
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Merit Award Winners
Congratulations to this weeks award winners!
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Emergency Contact Details
A Emergency Contact Details form was emailed out this week. It is essential that the School Office maintains up-to-date records of your address, telephone numbers, email addresses and emergency contacts in case of illness or injury to you child.
If you didn’t receive this email, please contact the school to update your email address
Please complete the attached and return to the school via email or in person, even if your details haven’t changed.
Please ensure that one emergency contacts are not a parent/guardian of the enrolled student.
Alyangula Area School is planning for student classes and staffing for 2023. Please tick the box most suited to your intentions and return this form to your child’s teacher by 14th October or via email: Alyangula.admin@education.nt.gov.au